Warta Industri

Keuntungan sprayer tanpa udara tekanan tinggi

1. Kualitas film cat apik, lapisan alus lan alus, tanpa tandha sikat. Cat iki nyemprotake lan menehi atomisasi cat dadi partikel alus sing disebar kanthi rata ing ndhuwur tembok, saengga cat lateks mbentuk lapisan alus, mulus lan kandhel ing tembok tanpa sikat utawa tandha gulung. Iki nyikat, nggulung Cara asli ora ana tandhingane.

2. Efisiensi lapisan sing dhuwur. Efisiensi penyemprotan siji operasi paling dhuwur yaiku 200-500 meter persegi / jam, yaiku 10-15 kali luwih saka sikat sikat manual.

3. Adhesi sing apik lan umur lapisan sing dawa. Nggunakake semprotan tekanan tinggi kanggo nggawe partikel cat atom diwenehi energi kinetik sing kuat; partikel cat nggunakake energi kinetik iki kanggo nembak pori-pori supaya film cet luwih padhet, saengga bisa nambah gaya gigitan mekanik ing antarane film cat lan tembok lan nambah adhesi lapisan, kanthi efektif nambah umur lapisan kasebut.

4. Kekandelan film cat iku seragam lan tingkat pemanfaatan cat dhuwur. Kekandelan roller sikat manual pancen ora rata, umume antara 30-250 mikron, lan tingkat pemanfaatan cat kurang; nalika ingnyemprotake tanpa hawabisa kanthi gampang entuk lapisan kanthi kekandelan 30 mikron.

5. Gampang tekan sudhut lan kesenjangan. Amarga panggunaansemprotan udara tanpa tekanan dhuwur, semprotan cet ora ana udhara, lan cat gampang tekan sudhut, kesenjangan lan area sing ora rata sing angel disikat. Cocog banget kanggo langit-langit kantor kanthi pipa AC lan pemadam kebakaran, nanging sikat sikat angel ditrapake.

6. Cat viskositas dhuwur bisa disemprot, nalika sikat tangan,semprotan hawa, etc. are only suitable for low-viscosity paint. With economic development and changes in people's concepts, it has become fashionable to use medium and high-end interior and exterior wall paints instead of mosaics and ceramic tiles to decorate walls in China. Water-based latex paint has become the most popular interior and exterior wall decoration material due to its non-toxicity, easy cleaning, rich color, and no pollution to the environment. But latex paint is a kind of water-based paint with very high viscosity. During construction, general manufacturers have very strict restrictions on the dilution of the original paint with water, generally 10%-30% (except for special formulated paints that can be added in a large amount of water without affecting the performance of the paint, which will be written in the product manual). Excessive dilution will lead to poor film formation, and its texture, scrub resistance, and durability will be damaged to varying degrees. The degree of damage is proportional to the degree of dilution, that is, the greater the degree of dilution, the worse the quality of the paint film. If strictly according to the manufacturer's dilution requirements, the latex paint will have a high viscosity and difficult construction. If it is applied by rolling, brushing or semprotan hawaing, the paint effect is difficult to be satisfactory. The most popular method abroad is to use a semprotan udara tanpa tekanan dhuwurerkanggo konstruksi.