Warta Industri

Kepiye cara milih nozel mesin penyemprot?

Komposisi bahan panyemprotan ingmesin nyemprotumume bahan anti korosi lan tahan api, resin epoksi, utawa cat lateks. Nalika milihmesin nyemprotnozel, kita kudu nimbang loro masalah kasebut. Salah sijine yaiku pola semprotan lan liyane yaiku laju aliran. Ukurane kaliber.
Nozel umume dipérang dadi telung jinis, yaiku jinis standar, jinis pungkasan lan jinis tahan pakai. Simbol Inggris yaiku LTX (jinis standar), FFT (jinis finish), lan GHD (jinis tahan aus). Nomer kode minangka introduksi Data pola semprotan lan kaliber. Miturut kekarepan sejatine, konsumen bisa milih model sing pengin dituku, lan mung liwat metode iki, dheweke bisa dijamin bisa nyukupi kabutuhane sejatine. Ing ngisor iki minangka apa sing kudu digatekake nalika milihmesin nyemprotmuncung
Nalika nyemprotake bahan tahan api lan anti-korosi nganggomesin nyemprots, we need to use standardmuncung Because the particulate matter contained in these spraying materials can cause serious wear on the nozzles, it is recommended that you use wear-resistantmuncung When spraying anti-corrosion materials, we have to consider such a problem, that is, the thickness of the coating of the anti-corrosion material is relatively heavy. It is best to use a nozzle with a larger diameter when choosing a nozzle. However, for the anti-corrosion material of steel structure, it is best to use a spray radius of Nozzles below 5 inches can reduce the waste of paint and increase the utilization rate of paint.
Nalikamesin nyemprotdigunakake kanggo nyemprot cat lateks, kanggo njamin efisiensi konstruksi lan kekandelan cat lateks, luwih becik nggunakake nozel standar. Radius nozel limang inci lan diameteripun 0,0017 inci. Ing pojok tembok semprotan, sampeyan kudu ngalih menyang nozel kanthi jembaré semprotan sing cukup cilik. Nalika nyemprotake tembok njaba, kita bisa nggunakake nozel kanthi radius semprotan 12 inci, sing bisa nambah efisiensi kerja. Nanging, amarga jarak semprotan dadi luwih gedhe, kanggo njamin kualitas nyemprot, luwih becik kita pilih peralatan penyemprotan sing cukup gedhe kanggo njamin kekandelan semprotan sing seragam.
Nalika nyemprotake cat berminyak, kita kudu nggatekake karakteristik cat. Cat berminyak dawane kerapatan lan cairan sing kuat. Nalika kisaran semprotan akeh, mula gampang cethe mudhun. Ing wektu iki, paling becik nggunakake nozel olahan. Jinis nozel iki nduweni efek atomisasi sing luwih apik, sing bisa nyemprotake cet cairan kanthi luwih merata, nyuda nyuda nozel lan nambah wektu panggunaan nozel.
Ing ndhuwur wis ngenalake pirang-pirang pasangan babagan panggunaanmesin nyemprotmuncung When first contacting this equipment, many people will be confused. They don’t know what this type of machine does, let alone how to choose when using it. In fact, this type of equipment The equipment looks huge and extremely complicated. In fact, the working principle is relatively simple. After simple training, ordinary personnel can operate proficiently, saving time and effort. I believe that everyone should have a certain understanding of this equipment. I hope these introductions can be helpful to everyone's practical application.
